(「Guide to Municipal Taxes for Foreign Residents in Takahagi City」)
1. 税務証明交付申請書【英語版】
- 市県民税課税(非課税)所得証明書
- 納税証明書
- 未納がないことの証明書
2. 委任状【英語版】
3. 納税管理人(変更)申告書【英語版】
For foreign residents in Takahagi city, we made a guide to municipal taxes both in Japanese and in English.
The guide has various information about the taxes: the meaning of each tax, payment due dates/methods, way of applying for certificates related to the taxes etc. Please read it and deepen understanding about the taxes.
And besides, we made several forms (1~3) and examples of description in English regarding municipal taxes. Please click and print the forms below if you need.
1. Application Form for Issuing Certificates Related to Municipal Taxes 【in English】
By using this form, you can apply for certificates below related to municipal taxes to Takahagi City.
- City and Prefectual Taxes /Tax Exemption Certificate
(Certificate of Income) - Certificate of Tax Payment
- Certificate of No Debt to Tax Payment
2. A Letter of Proxy【in English】
In case of representative application of 1, the third party must also submit this letter.
3. Notification of Tax Agent (Changing of Tax Agent)【in English】
By using this form, you can notify Takahagi City of a tax agent who manages taxation procedures such as making payments on your behalf.
If unable to pay municipal taxes before leaving Japan, you must designate a tax agent and notify the Tax Division (or Health Insurance and Medical Care Division) of Takahagi City.